CABLEMASTER licenced its first factory in China in 1986 with a single coaxial cable production line in Hong Kong. In the early 1990’s CABLEMASTERs production line migrated to Mainland China with an ambition to evolve into a world-class Broadband cable business. In 1996 with the introduction of Pay TV in Australia CABLEMASTER began making American style RG6 QUAD shield cable.Today, with a 150000 M factory site located in Dongguan area, our coaxial division is not only a world-class cable factory, but also a versatile production plant with multiple manufacturing abilities such as thermoplastic compound production, copper/copper clad aluminium drawing and cable assemble.In 2002 CABLEMASTER licenced its second factory to manufacture DATA cable. Our DATA cable factory is state of the art. We follow the world standards, and manufacture Cat 6 UTP, Cat 6 FTP, Cat6a U/FTP, PIMF Cat 7 and Cat7a S/FTP cables up to 1200MHz, all with Delta EC Verified certificates, a significant step we have achieved, which means we are taking the leading role for the LAN cable manufacturing.In 2011 we expanded our cable range to include TPS power cable. After extensive research and testing by independent testing houses TUV Rheinland and SAA a third factory was licenced.