The CABLEMASTER Telecom and DATA factory is one of the world's leading suppliers for telecom cables. Some of their end users include global telecommunication service providers, such as British Telecom and Telefonica. They have a wide range of copper telecom cables, including the following ranges: CW1308, CW 1128, CW 1600, ADSL and XDSL big pair telephone cables; CC 7000, CC8000, BT 2003 and BT 3002 multi core coax cables; semi flexible radio frequency coaxial cables for high frequency application.
CABLEMASTER is capable of meeting all Telecom and DATA requirements.
Our 2 pair round ivy internal telephone cable is FOXTEL approved F30128.
Our black 2 pair telephone lead in cable is OPTUS approved.
CABLEMASTER can supply cables for the household use of 2 pairs up to telecom industrial standard 100 pairs with the highest degree of quality.